- Absolutely 100% – Vegan diet is better! Keep in mind the few on meat diet who still manage to look “younger” aren’t that old and are a huge minority, PLUS they SHOULDNT be looking “old” at their age to begin with!!! You must compare them to the rest of the world who are all aging very quickly.. easy observation to make.
I made this observation at least 30 years ago. People in San Marino all dying from heart disease, diabetes and cancer and often frequenting steakhouses, and eating meat every day. They all looked horrifically aged.
I have been making these observations ALL my life. Go to any diner, any meat house, and look at the people who come out of it.. if it wasn’t so sad, it would be a comedy. Stuffed to the gills, emotionally stunted, igniting diseases and accelerating aging.. its a lose lose situation.
The problem with most people who are unaware of this sad fact, is that by the time they realize what is aging them, they already look too old. I stopped eating meat at 30 and I still look in my 30s. I made my observations about what was aging and killing people years and years ago. I also knew back in 1993 meat causes cancer, and it wasnt until the 2000’s that british researchers found that link and thoroughly explained why.
There has been scientific research that eating meat shortens the telomeres of the chromosomes that kick off the onset of aging and disease. They shorten naturally after time, eating meat accelerates the process dramatically.
This is why people who seemed to pull off their health and looks for a long time, suddenly get sick when they hit middle age. It took its toll on their body and the body can bear no more.
There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance out there, people rationalizing away what they don’t want to face. They should realize they are rationalizing away their health, looks and youth.. and get SMART instead.
I have had decades of anatomical observations noting people dying and aging because of meat, and my staying younger looking because I don’t eat it.
People think its “normal” to look like shit in your 40s and 50s, and I have often heard over the years the prejudice about people over 40. People under 40 think people over 40 are basically.. dead. Of no value.
This is due in large part because of a meat eating society that ages people so quickly, that they look horrendous and it has become accepted as “the norm” that when you look old, your life is “over”.
ITS NOT THE NORM. Its abnormal to age so quickly.
I know noone who is eating meat who looks great “for their age”, EVERYONE SHOULD look good in their early to mid 40s! Thats a given. Anyone who looks “better” and feels “better” is not looking and feeling that way because of the MEAT.. theyre feeling that way because of the vegetables and fruits they are eating, yet, they still run the risk of premature aging, which is thought of as “normal aging”, and think how much better they would have looked if they hadnt eaten “meat”. Im 56.
2. I am a vegan and I look younger than my meat eating friends , but I doubt it’s related to diet and has more to do with good nutrition in general, avoiding stress, staying out of the sun, not smoking, etc.
3. I’m 27 and look like I’m in my early-mid twenties, I think. I’d say that’s mostly genetics (I seem to have dodged the baldness gene), but I’d say my overall physical health is entirely due to the vegan diet.
A lot of my friends have gained a lot of weight in the last few years and I’ve been stable. I’m also fairly fit despite rarely hitting the gym or going to yoga. My cardiovascular stamina is kinda shit by my standards, but certainly above average for people of my age and lifestyle.
I originally went vegan for health reasons, and I’d say that it was the best health decision I ever made. The second best decision was to get into hot hatha yoga (though I don’t really do that so regularly any more).
I maintain that if you want to be healthy, eat vegetables and don’t eat animal flesh or secretions. Animal flesh and animal secretions are, as far as I can tell, really bad for you.
4. I definitely think a raw diet plan can help diminish wrinkles. I started at about 75% raw and noticed the fine lines on my forehead and around my eyes softened and went away.
I’m almost 30 and I think spending a lot of time on the beach while eating a SAD diet was making my skin look older. I think the raw plan nourished my skin in ways it had not been nourished before.
I don’t want to sound like I’m selling snake oil, but within one week of going raw my wrinkles went away. I think the key is eating a lot of nutrient dense fresh fruits and veggies, not necessarily all raw nuts or dried fruit. A 75% raw day for me might look like:
Breakfast 20 oz. green lemonade from The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose
Lunch 2-4 cups gazpacho (diced tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, tomato juice, olive oil)
Afternoon snack another 20 oz. green lemonade
Dinner salad with olive oil vinaigrette, poached salmon with steamed veggies
Starchy processed foods like chips, cookies, cakes, etc. really break down the skin IMO.
When I cut this stuff out and replaced it with raw foods, my skin became firmer, brighter, and super glowy. My family and friends say I look like I have a flashlight under my skin because I just radiate.
I used to have puffiness in my face and that’s gone too and my face looks more sculpted. I used to spend a lot of money (*cough*Kinerase*cough*) on special creams that I hoped would get rid of my fine lines.
I was happy to find that the raw plan has done more for the health of my skin than those expensive creams ever did. I plugged a day’s worth of raw eating into a nutrition program I have and I get about 300-500% of the RDA for many nutrients, and at least 100% for nearly all. When well-meaning family members ask if what I’m doing is healthy, I smile and say I think I’m getting a lot more nutrients than the average American. Hope this answers your question.
5. I know the raw diet is the most wonderful way to keep your complexion youthful and relatively free of wrinkles. I’ve been raw for about 25 years, except for a brief difficult detox period when I decided to try the Paleo-diet. (I quit and went back to raw because among other things, my face started looking older and puffier!)
When you’re post-menopausal, you WILL gradually see some changes in the way you look, but they’ll be subtle and natural changes that you will grow to like. 🙂
When I begin to see lines on my face, it’s usually in late winter when I’ve been indoors too much and haven’t adhered to 100% raw all the time because of the cold weather and boredom. As soon as I can (usually early spring) I do a long juice fast, and I can’t recommend that enough.
Juice fasting is incredibly rejuvenating, and if you do a long one (20-40 days) every year you’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to a) stay raw and b) look and feel your very best.
Water fasting is great too, but is demanding and takes more discipline. Another way to rejuvenate is to eat an optimal high water content raw diet from early morning up till 5pm, then dry fast till the next morning; you can do this every day without deprivation.
(After a month or so, scale back to 4pm, then a mo. later to 3pm, and finally 2pm, according to Tanya Zavasta.) I tried this for awhile and I looked and felt better than I’d felt in years. I keep meaning to get back to it, but it takes a bit of tweaking your schedule and planning ahead.