Radio Frequency Skin Tightening: Expectations versus Reality!



As one ages, the skin starts losing its elasticity and starts sagging or having wrinkles, prompting many of us to look at options for skin tightening procedures. Apart from aging, one can have sagging skin due to weight loss or pregnancy. Getting rid of heavy jowls and batwing arms no longer requires cosmetic surgery. The latest skin tightening treatments do not need general anaesthesia or any invasive procedure and can be performed outpatient by clinic or spa technicians with the proper training.

Your search for the best skin tightening procedure will end here. Be it abdominal skin tightening or arm or neck skin tightening RF treatments get the deal done for almost everyone.

For one to have tightened skin, the elastin and collagen fibers must be shrunk. This can be done by having the skin tissue exposed to either infra-red, radio frequency or ultrasound energies. You may find a very promising solution to your sagging skin in RF (radio frequency) skin tightening.

By definition: Radio frequency skin tightening (RF) is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.

A study observed that RF acts mainly with the purpose of promoting changes in tissue conformation by thermal generation in deep layers of the skin tissue, thus being theoretically suitable for the treatment of wrinkles and skin laxity. (NCBI)

Let’s dig a little deep into this subject…

Most of us are familiar with radiowaves and take them for granted as an everyday part of our world. They are that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that brings us our favorite music and talk shows on our am/fm radios. The lesser known fact is that radiowaves have been used for many years in the medical and surgical settings. High frequency radiowaves are employed to produce an electric current that generates heat via resistance as it passes through the skin.

How does it work?

Radio waves have proven beneficial for nonsurgically treating mild to moderate skin wrinkles, crinkles, and laxity. With appropriate adjustment of the settings of the radiosurgical unit, the energy that is produced can heat the fibrous tissue within the lower layers of the skin, specifically the dermis and subcutaneous (fat) tissue, without damaging the surface layer, the epidermis.The heat generated in this fashion serves to break down collagen and elastin and causes these fibres to contract, and it is this shrinking is responsible for the observed tightening and firming.

By delivering the radio waves more deeply they penetrate through the skin into the fat and cellulite below. The heat generated by the radio waves causes the fat cells membranes to rupture and extrude their contents. Shrinkage of the fat cells then takes place which in turn reduces the overall thickness of the fatty layer. No fat cells are actually removed or destroyed in the process.

Can it treat all body areas?

It can be used to treat loose and sagging skin on any part of our body.

  • Thighs, buttocks and abdomen respond well to this treatment, which tightens the overlying skin at the same time, preventing the slackened skin look which can accompany weight loss alone.
  • The thin and loose skin often found on the neck and upper arms are frequently treated with radio frequency.
  • It is also excellent for firming skin on the chest and breasts.
  • Radio frequency can be used to treat cellulite, especially on thighs and buttocks.
  • People have also started to prefer radio frequency treatments for nonsurgical facelift. The procedure gives effective tightening of the facial skin removing the signs of ageing. 
  • It is also ideal for smaller problem areas such as knees and “Bingo Wings”, always difficult to tackle with diet and exercise.  

   REAL RESULTS of RF skin tightening…….

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Are the effects permanent?

Sadly in the field of ageing and body changes nothing is permanent. A person undergoing radio frequency need not have frequent maintenance treatments-the effect of the radio frequency treatment lasts for two to three years. 

Fat cells are very unusual in that they can increase to hundreds of times their original size.  Overindulgence will cause the problem to reappear. Apart from this hormonal changes and genetic predisposition also determines as to how long the effects may last. Results vary drastically from one individual to another.

TIP: Radio Frequency can be repeated as necessary and used, intermittently, as a management system. If the weight is kept stable then the results should be relatively long lasting.

Why choose Radio frequency treatment for skin tightening?

  • It helps to lift and tighten your skin.
  • Fights fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Helps to rejuvenate the skin’s collagen and elastin.
  • It is convenient and painless.
  • Provides fast results.
  • Very cost effective with respect to other cosmetic procedures.
  • You won’t be disappointed in the least with this treatment.

You might have heard a lot about Refirme and Thermage!……

The ReFirme or refirm skin tightening procedure is one of the options available at day spas and the offices of dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons. They use bipollar Radio frequency and optical energy to treat skin. The application involves heating the dermal layer of skin, which is where the elastic fibers are located, to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

Although, ReFirme does not “say” that the treatment stimulates collagen production but it seems to provide short term results. Whether or not the results are worth the cost of the treatment is up to the individual to decide. Though there are less expensive treatments also available.

Thermage skin tightening procedure carried out by specialists involves use of a radio frequency device for removing wrinkles and stimulating growth of collagen. The first step in this procedure is to apply a cooling spray to the skin for protection from heat. The collagens within the skin are then heated using a thermocool wand. The lower layers of skin get heated and instantly begin to tighten.The entire thermage skin tightening procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on size of the area you are treating. Though there is no pain, you need to bear with heating sensation on the skin several times. 

The cost of skin tightening thermage procedure in is higher than most other procedures, but the results are immediate. 

Running to professionals for skin treatments isn’t economical, and then again for maintenance makes it even more expensive. Moreover it is not also easy to take out time from busy schedules for frequent visits. The good news is that there are many Rf devices that have been developed to be used at home. Specially designed to make them user friendly and equivalent in effectiveness to a professional treatment is thing to lure!

Go in for the best available devices on the market and get the celebrity like flawless and youthful skin At Home!



